Tag Archives: anxiety

where I am at

I have decided to write some stuff down to make sense of how I’m feeling at the moment or why I’m feeling like this.
So where to start? Im not sure….
At the moment I feel sick, both physically and mentally. I have nausea, a constant headache and feel so tired. I haven’t been sleeping. Went  to bed at like 3 only to wake up again at 6 and then not able to sleep. I quit my job. The past month has resulted in panic attacks on a daily basis, even at home, which is strange because I don’t usually get them at home. Home is safe. Feeling tired has lead me to feel more anxious. I’ve started medication which I guess has contributed to the bad physical symptoms. My doctor did not seem to understand anything and just gave me drugs and sent me on my way. I know I am struggling and the fact the doctor did address my concerns makes me feel like loosing hope. I know I need to spend time on getting myself better but Im not sure whether Ill honestly just want to use that time to get worse and wallow in self pity. 
i am avoiding going out again. When I do I have a panic attack and get nervous. Living my day to day life in fear is hell. Its made me depressed and zombie like. I am not myself. I know it. I’ve been through therapy and am still hear suffering from anxiety today. I don’t know what else to do. Is there any point in going back into therapy if I’m going to relapse again and again. 
I don’t know what else to do. I try to challenge these thoughts all the time but it doesn’t seem to help. I HATE them. I hate that I’m not myself and I hate that I can not do what I want to do. I know how self-defeating I am but I can seem to shake it. I want these drugs to work and kick in. I cant do it. I cant keep going on like this. 

So what exactly is triggering it? I dont know. Honestly I dont know. I wish I did. Then i could change it. Could it be because of my job or could it be that I dont know what to expect next year. I dont know where Im going or what im doing next year. Could it be that im that scare of the unknown and i ALWAYS expect the worse to happen. Most likely. Going out on a normal day I fear so many things like not being able to find a bathroom or fainting in public. How irrational. Who fears that. Arent we meant to go out with the excitement of seeing friends and other people. Why do I get so anxious on lack of sleep. 
I want to be normal and I want to be able to go out. 
I dont know what else can I do…

And so it returns

My anxiety is becoming bad. Well it is bad again. I’m having panic attacks on a daily basis, have got the nervous tummy and avoiding going out.
I accepted today I needed help and decided to go back and get medication.

I hated the doctor who dealt with me today who basically just prescribed the pills. No questions asked and shoved me out the door. Is that really how we deal with people who have anxiety or a mental illness in general?

Have some drugs, don’t worry about why you’re feeling like this and let’s move on.

Not impressed…

work and anxiety

Does any one else dread going to work? I’m not just talking about the “I cant be bothered” dread. I mean dreading going to work because of anxiety. I usually have thoughts of “what happens if i have a panic attack there” or something along those lines…
I fear that once I’m there I cant just leave whenever I want and get someone to take over for me as we are quite a small workplace. As much as my anxiety is at bay, this is one thing that I just cant quite seem to shake. Applying CBT to this situation just doesn’t seems to work. And hey, CBT is the answer to everything right?

Does anybody else  experience this or am I alone in my crazy delusions?


Alcohol and anxiety

Being 21 years old, I should be going out every weekend and getting absolutely plastered, right?
… Wrong.
I don’t drink alcohol. Pretty much the only time I do is when I’m in the comfort of my own home. And I mean that in the sense of if there’s a special occasion on at home ill drink then, not in the sense that I consume alcohol daily.

Although I feel my anxiety is sort of ok, the thought of being drunk scares the hell out of me. The entire thought of not being in control of my body is enough to make me feel tense. Even one drink is enough to set of a panic attack.

I’ve drunk in the past and been absolutely drunk and vowed never to drink again but I this was before I started having panic attacks.

I’ve also tried to drink and push through it but most of the time this ends with me in the bathroom freaking myself put and telling myself to calm down. This is also near impossible when you’re drunk with distorted cognitions.

The judgement I get from people my age who drink is also quite amazing. I always cop the question “why don’t you drink?” I try to shrug it off with a “I just don’t like it” but end up getting a hundred more questions of “have you been drunk before?” or “didn’t you like the feeling of being drunk?” or “why don’t you like it?” I don’t like coming straight out and blaming it on anxiety either. Doing that just makes the conversation awkward. Plus many people don’t know how to deal with such an issue.

Right now I just ride alcohol off as one of the things I can do and remember being drunk as a vague distant memory haha.

Perhaps this isn’t the best way to deal with it and ill probably avoid alcohol my entire life…. But is that really the worst thing in the world?
I hear alcohol kills brain cells and I need all the brain cells that I can get!

What has anxiety prevented me from doing?

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I was talking to someone last night who has what many hypothesize to be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or at least shows OCD-type tendencies. She  acknowledges her behaviours and rituals as being debilitating but has failed to seek help as she has “learnt to live with it”. I too did this for quite some time with my own anxiety (note I did not have OCD). Even though i seem to function somewhat “normally” there have been a variety of things that my anxiety has prevented me from doing at some time in my life. So here’s my list of anxiety-provoking situations/what anxiety has prevented me from doing at one stage or another:
– travelling
– meeting new people
– letting other people drive me places (this is still a major one)
– taking classes at my gym
– Bikram yoga (tried it once, failed miserably and vowed never to do it again)
– experiencing new places 
– going to uni 
– finding a new job
– going to work 

At the time you deal with the situation/s as best you can and sometimes “the best you can” means avoiding it or running away. I’ve done this multiple times. My theory has always been to at least give it shot. I know I don’t always follow this theory but I do try. Anything new or anything that you think will make you feel anxious, probably will because you work yourself up and that makes you feel more anxious. As I have mentioned before the cycle is illogical and i think many people with anxiety who really sit down and think about it realise that. It’s good to expose yourself to the situations that make you anxious because most often than not you’ll get through it. I know that the more you stay in and avoid these situations the more you reinforce your illogical fear. 

It’s tough. Challenging anything that gives you anxiety will always be tough. It raises the question is the anxiety worth it? Is it worth challenging yourself by going out with friends and being ridden by anxiety for a little while? Yes, challenging your thoughts and your feelings will improve your quality of life. It will let you do the things that you never wanted to because you’re scared of feeling anxious or having a panic attack. The more you expose yourself to these anxiety-provoking situations the more you anxiety will deplete in the long run.

It does get better.  

I’d love you hear your thoughts. How do you deal with your anxiety, what helps you, what are your experiences?

Dogs and mental health

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I know I’ve been absent for quite some time….not a good idea when you’re trying to get a blog up and running. I’m not going to make excuses. I’ve just been slack!

I wanted to focus this blog on my dog. So now I sound like a crazy dog girl right? I had begged my mum for a dog since I was a kid….I’m now 21 and got my dog a year ago. It took my mum over 15 years to say yes. The reason why I wanted a dog was for companionship. Throughout my time with anxiety I’ve often felt lonely and isolated. Being a psychology student, I was quite aware of some of the benefits owning a dog can have on one’s mental health. I also felt I could take on the responsibility of owning a pet. So you could imagine my excitement when mum finally said yes.

Getting my dog was the most exciting thing. As, cliche as it sounds when i picked him up I knew he was the right one. He has honestly brought a lot of joy into our entire household and he has also helped when my mood when i’ve been down. I think it’s something about dogs that makes them so lovable. They don’t expect anything from you, (aside from food)  and give you unconditional love. There’s nothing better than coming home from a day at work or uni and seeing that floppy face with his tongue half out run to the door to greet you. Then there’s the silly things that they do that makes you laugh. I think each dog has a personality in a sense. I recently visited a 5 year old Pomeranian that had been shipped between households and owners. He seemed to show some sort of separation anxiety and was quite aggressive. It really showed me how impressionable dogs can be and how showing love to your own dog can result in a loving companion.

My dog will be 1 in August so he’s still a puppy, but has brought so much joy to my household. He has brought us closer together as a family and has helped me with my anxiety. I remember being on the brink of having a panic attack and having my brother come in and tell me to go and play with the dog. Within minutes I got over these anxiety provoking thoughts and was distracted by playing with him.

I believe dogs can be therapeutic. They’re hard work (you’ll have to put in the hard yards) but can give so much back to you. I wouldn’t say a dog can cure your problems but can definitely aid in your road to “recovery”. (I do hate that term because it makes it seem as though you’ve got an illness.)

My Story

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So I thought I would share my story with my own “mental health” issues or more specifically my battle with anxiety. I guess my story could be a lot worse and that’s something I should be thankful for. 

It’s hard to start somewhere because you can never pin point when it “started”. From as long as I remember, I guess I always did have that “anxious” personality. My mind always did, and still does, jump to the worst case scenario. The first time I was “diagnosed” with an anxiety disorder was in year 12, about 4 years back. At that time, I had hardly any idea about mental health or anxiety. I was having panic attacks. To those of you who haven’t experienced a panic attack there’s hardly any way to explain it that can highlight exactly how having a panic attack feels. Plus, each experience is probably different for each individual anyway. 

Throughout that these 4 years I’ve been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder with agoraphobia and depression. I like to think that panic disorder was probably the correct diagnosis. Most of the time I felt “depressed” about having anxiety that severe that prevented me from living my life. I guess it’s easy to see how these two diagnoses go hand in hand.

At what I would call my worst I would fear leaving my house; mostly in fear that I would have a panic attack. For me and I’m sure for many other suffers, home is “safe”. I tried my hardest to go out because I knew that each time I stayed home I would just re-enforce my anxiety, but mustering up the courage to do so was difficult. I remember on one occasion having to go to a friend’s house. A simple task right? Not really, I was petrified. It took me a good hour to leave the house, as I had to calm myself down and feel “ok” enough to go. 

There’s many things anxiety has prevented me from doing and even if I do the things I want, the experience is hardly ever anxiety-free. I once tried Bikram Yoga (for those who haven’t heard of that before, it’s basically doing yoga in a really hot room). That sensation of feeling hot and sweaty led to a panic attack. I know it was me over-analysing and misinterpreting the symptoms, but I will never try that again. I’ve never done a class at my gym for that reason either. 

Catching public transport is difficult too and I prefer to drive myself everywhere. I don’t like to let my friends drive either. Much of this has to do with me being in control. Not the crazy controlling “do as I say” type, but knowing that I have my own car there, gives me my reassurance that I can leave whenever I want. I guess for me, my car is my other safe place. Going to work has been difficult on a number of occasions. I remember having a panic attack and having to be sent home because I could not bring myself to stop crying after it. 

Another thing I remember is crying after every panic attack. After each panic attack I’d feel like I’d failed. Anxiety had won that time. There are times when things didn’t always get blown into a full-on panic attack but I’d almost always feel like I was on the verge of having one. This is why I had to drive everywhere and this is why I had to stay home. Not to mention how physically exhausted you’d feel after having one. It’s such an intense time of arousal that afterwards I’d feel like I had run a marathon and just wanted to go to bed. Of course I would hardly sleep because it’s difficult to when you’re mind is running in over drive. Then getting up and trying to function on little sleep would make my anxiety worse. For some reason not getting enough sleep would scare me and make me feel on edge. In most cases, this would lead to a panic attack. It really was an endless cycle. Working myself up meant I was more likely to have a panic attack. But what was I worried about? About having a panic attack of course. The whole thing seems irrational…probably because it is! Writing it all down makes it really seem like the problems aren’t problems at all. Although trying to reason with yourself at such a time is difficult. Most of the time having someone who acts as the voice of reason helps and often that can only be my mum or brother. However, my mum and brother can’t be with me 24/7 to be that voice of reason and I have to learn how to do that on my own. Easier said than done!

There are only select people I feel ok having a panic attack in front of. This mainly has to do with the fact that I know they’ll take me home if I ask them to, or they won’t judge me for it. Judgment is one thing I didn’t realise was honestly so prevalent and the stigma of mental illness is very much alive. I try to be as open as I can about my anxiety, just so people know what’s going on in case I do have a panic attack in front of them. Yet, people still manage to judge. I really believe that unless you’ve been through something similar, you’ll struggle to understand.

This entry doesn’t seem like I’ve done how I felt justice, but I’ve never been one to openly express my feelings without being pushed. I hope someone finds some similarities in their own similar experiences. Leave a comment and share your experiences? Or, feel free to ask me a question. I’m sure we’ve all had experiences that we can relate to and I’m sure we can build an amazing support network.  We just need to be courageous enough to speak.



What’s this all about?

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We all have a journey through life, don’t we?  (yes, I begin my first blog with a cliche’. What of it?)
What is my journey? I have no idea, but i know its something to do with being a psychology student who study honours and has no idea about this “journey”. 
I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying that “things happen for a reason” and “we all have a purpose in life”.
And how do we know about this “magical purpose” and are these sayings nothing but Novocaine for the mind? Most likely. We all have some “purpose”. Whats mine? I have no idea.  Help me find it? Help me find yours?

I initially wanted this blog to focus on mental health and building a support network for those struggling with mental health problems and every day hardships. Now i think that’s too narrow. What’s my focus then?….

I’ll share my story, my thoughts about life in general and my battle with anxiety (more on that later). I’ll post random topics that will make you question what indeed you are reading. I’ll try to be funny but probably end up coming across as plain weird. I’ll talk about my dog…. a lot. Yes, wait for a post on why I think dogs are better than most humans. Did I just insult everyone to ever read this? Most likely; but deep down we know it’s true 😉

Feel free to give me input. What do you actually want to hear about? Not replying will make me ramble about my own (and potentially boring) life. 

Cheers guys.